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New wave act April Afternoon releases debut EP 'Words' Debut EP Words by Amsterdam new wave act April Afternoon was released on Friday, June 28. Listen to the EP via this link on Spotify. April Afternoon is the synth project of Amsterdam musician/producer Jelmer Luimstra, who used to be the frontman of Dutch indie rock band Captain Felix. He feels inspired by the new wave sound of the early '80s, with the aim of creating a new, eclectic sound using modern production tools. The EP contains four songs, including one previously unreleased song: Walking Through Your Day. This song, inspired by both EBM and synthpop, will be April Afternoon's darkest so far. The angular artwork on Words is made by Rotterdam designer Floor van Meeuwen. She also provided the artwork for the previously released singles. April Afternoon self-produced the EP. Dutch producer Thijs de Melker (De Raggende Manne, producer Frank Boeijen, among others) mixed the record. The vocals were recorded at IJland Studio, Amsterdam. 'New wave is alive' The EP also includes the previously released singles I'm Going Back, The Chorus and Modern Lovers. All three singles have been listened to thousands of times on Spotify in recent months. The Chorus ended up in the Dutch Indie Chart of radio station IndieXL. In addition, the singles from April Afternoon have been played in recent months on Dutch radio stations IndieXL, Pinguin Radio and Alternative FM. IndieXL show De Platenkast also paid attention to the music of April Afternoon. Music blogs such as 3voor12 Noord-Holland and Camiel Music wrote about the music of April Afternoon. According to 3voor12, April Afternoon makes new wave as a music movement "alive again" on Words. Camiel Music praised the "recognizable new wave sound" of single Modern Lovers. Australian goth critic Adele Sinnamon compared the sound of April Afternoon to that of '80s groups such as The Bolshoi and Ultravox. “New wave is alive,” she also concludes.
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